
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kentucky: Aye ChiWa....Owww!

So over the past two days I have been working with awesome Marty McBride. Nobody spoke truer words than when they told me how beautiful Kentucky is. It really is GORGEOUS out here. Tall blue/green grass, warm winds, hot sun. The first days a lot of fun we spent most of the day at a wicked cool barn shooting, but then poor Chelsie got sick. I think it was because of the heat, lack of water, and just pure exhaustion. We've been traveling more than we have been sleeping. But we got some food and water in her and she did a little better. Then we all went swimming in the hotel's pool and later on Marty told us a ton of stories about things he did when he was our age. He's so great we had a lot of fun. When I awoke this morning I saw red bumps on my arms and legs and they itched so bad! Yeah you guessed it...chiggers. Why thank you Marty for this wonderful surprise. Lol. The awesome Leanna was with us here as well to do hair and makeup and she took some kind of waxy hair product and rubbed it all over the bumps. She said we had to suffocate them so they would die. Intense...we don't have bugs like that here in NY I don't think. Hopefully by the time I get home there will be no more chigggaass.

Anyway, today we shot in a few different locations and had even more fun. It was a little bit harder for me to focus and be cheery because of my bites. They were itchy and aggravating, plus it was super hot. But I pulled myself together and I think I did pretty good. Right now my body aches and I'm very sleepy so it is time to crash before our trip to Nashville for a day (no shoots) and then the long 17hr drive home.




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